"Pro bono" is derived from the Latin phrase pro bono publico, ​meaning "for the public good."

In the legal context, it refers to the provision of legal services at ​no cost or at significantly reduced fees, with no expectation of ​commercial gain. In India, pro bono legal services have ​emerged as a vital component of the legal landscape, focusing ​on two primary objectives:

Providing access to justice for disadvantaged individuals

Extending legal assistance to civil society organisations ​on a pro bono basis

Although many lawyers, law firms, and ​corporate legal departments provide ​free legal advice and support to ​vulnerable groups and nonprofits, there ​is a lack of formal, institutionalised ​structures for such efforts. With a diverse ​legal landscape featuring a mix of firms, ​along with chambers and independent ​practitioners, creating a uniform ​framework for pro bono work is a ​challenge. To create a change, it is ​essential to cultivate a culture of pro ​bono work within the legal community.